Danilo Cortellini

It's not every day that we get to sit down with a chef as accomplished and talented as Danilo Cortellini.
With a decade of experience as head chef at the Italian Embassy in London and now a successful consultant and social media creator, he's a true inspiration to anyone who loves authentic Italian cuisine.
We're excited to share his story with you.

What inspired you to move to Italy?

Moving back to Italy has been a long time coming and hard though decision, the world is not the same anymore, we have to be flexible accordingly to what life throw at us and adjust and no one can also stop us to get back to where we started and do it all over again.
As a family, we needed a difference life, a different balance and London was too demanding for us.
I am lucky enough to being able to run my activities (including the UK activities) from wherever I am and spend just a few days a month in the city to oversee the activities.

What do you think sets Italian cuisine apart from other cuisines?

Our cuisine is produce-led since the early days and that is embedded into our culture. We are so proud of what we do that we very rarely settle for nothing but the best. This is what create high standards if you want.
I am not saying Italian food is the best, (this believe is what often lead us into failure as businessmen in the hospitality world), but we are good at what we do and we know how to communicate that. 

How do you make sure that your recipes are unique and capture the attention of your readers and followers?

I do some research on what I think will work and will catch interest and aside from that i manly don’t overthink dishes but get down to testing straight away.
I rely tradition for inspiration and on my gut instinct and chef training, and i would never put out a dish that I wouldn’t enjoy myself.

How did your experience as a chef consultant influence your transition into content creation?

Having previously written a book and worked with brands have helped me into being more consumers’ focused. I’ve always enjoyed being able to communicate with the public but after many years in the kitchen a chef can lose touch with the outer world. If you want the public to replicate your recipes, you need to first think and act as they do. Easiest example, most people will never be interested in a recipe with 20 hard to shop for ingredients.

Has there ever been a moment in your life where you felt the urge of reinventing yourself?

Every 2 week! I am always craving for a way to reinvent myself and grow. I believe my shift out of a full-time kitchen is just the beginning. It’s a slow change, I am changing and reinventing at my own pace.
Silently, without public announcements.

What has been the most creative recipe or event that you have ever created?

Gosh I don’t know, i am not extreme with my recipes…
Lately for easter I’ve been called genius for putting a pistachio tiramisu inside a chocolate egg, for me there is nothing genius there, is just something a little naughty i wanted to try (it was good!). In terms of events i will always remember the times (it happened twice) when we turned liberty shopping centre in London into a dining room in less than 2 hours for a gala dinner. I would say more challenging that creative but unique.


What has been the most rewarding experience you’ve had since moving to Italy?

I’ve got to be honest, although I am still working like crazy, in these past years I focused on my family, so witnessing my second born birth has been the best reward ever as well as spending again quality time with my parents.
We cook together, we enjoy meals together and have long boring conversations about the silliest things. These are the things that matter to me on the long run.

What tips do you have for aspiring chefs who want to break into the industry?

There are years at the beginning of your career when you must simply put your head down and work. Listen, study, focus on your training. Be respectful and don’t be shy to knock doors and ask around for any kind of mentoring, you’ll be surprised by how many people are willing to help if you ask nicely.
Also, never ever accept toxic environments, if you find yourself in a situation that feels off, do what you can to escape. These experiences don’t have to put you off from the pursue of your dream career.

Who are some of your favourite Italian chefs and why do they inspire you?

Too many to tell them all. I always liked Francesco Mazzei, he is a friend and has done a lot for Italian food and produce in UK.
I also like Giorgio Locatelli and of course the legends Gennaro Contaldo and Antonio Carluccio, they represent where we came from, recognising the huge work they have done for the newer generation is a must.
We are nothing without strong foundations. 

How do you use content creation to engage with your audience?

I try to engage with my audience by simply talking to them, asking them what they would like to see from me and how can i help. Honest approach if often the most effective

What new recipes have you been experimenting?

Lately I’ve been playing a lot with regional pasta, although it is difficult to challenge regional recipes as are the one people tend to be more affectionate to.
I’ve been also focused on budget friendly recipes: we must do our part to inspire in eating better food, even on a budget.

Your favourite flavour...

The hot spot for me is a perfectly balanced tomato sauce, umami and acidity in harmony, perhaps with a few olives in there, like a puttanesca. Combine that with the best dried spaghetti you can find and I am happy.

Being a chef, you must have plenty of transferable skills…How do you envisage your career developing in the next few years?

I want to keep writing so definitely another book in the pipeline as soon as I can reduce even more my time in the kitchen (I still run/host events). I would also like to create longer pieces of content, in a masterclass style.

We’ve had the incredible opportunity…

…to conduct a full-scale digital audit, brand identity and website design that truly captures the essence of his culinary expertise. It was an amazing experience to work with such a talented chef!


Chantelle Nicholson


Charlotte Vincent